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Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Friday, September 11, 2009 -

Haiz...I know you guys are like telling me to update about the haps...

Uhm I'm moving so I'll just post the new site once I'm done with it...

For the mean time,please enjoy this new song by 2NE1 "I don't care"

The songs catchy and its a nice video

Tuesday, June 2, 2009 -

This guy,George Sampson,winner of Britain's got talent 2008 is a darn good dancer and plus,his songs are catchy...Talented much...

Sunday, May 31, 2009 -

Watched disturbia on friday night
Pretty freaky
heres the trailer


I dont understand this but AJ is totally cute =]

Saturday, May 30, 2009 -

Brian and Patrice told me to watch this
Its retarded but funny

Lesson:Dont say vulgarities on TV or any where at all..HAHAHA!!


Sigh...Chaotic week
Went to Ngee Ann Poly for some SALTS programme thingy
The school is like so generous
Whatever shit answer you give them,they give you a prize
Just like when they asked Sheng Yang about his chicken and he said 'not oily enough'
He got a freaking prize for that
How retarded
But I seriously had some fun

Our student leader was Travis and he was so shy at first
We played pictionary at the first station and Karen had to draw the she drew a square and two circles inside the we were like "HUH?!?!WHAT'S THAT?"
It was actually a stove so the next one was a fire extinguisher
I drew the body then was like 'Karen,how to draw the nozel?'
She just shrug and looked around and then she pointed at a fire extinguisher and Fafa screamed "OH!!!I KNOW!It's a fire extinguisher" then all of us including the student leaders were laughing our asses off
Then we fixed a fluorescent bulb
And then went to the canteen to embarrass ourselves by screaming
Then we went to the lift lobby to play a lame game where Travis asked us to put our butts on a mat..Each person a butt cheek
Then we went around tired and hot
And there was an open field and me and Fafa played "bollywood"
then after we were tired so we just kept quiet

Then went to eat and chat
Then we didnt expect it but our group won 2GB thumbdrives
then Camwhored more...
And went back

Thought we were going out but didnt so we just stayed in class watching movies
And we did work during maths
But we were talking to Shahril about my leaving
And then he made a lame story which goes:
Shahril-I want to get a tattoo on my arm when I'm 18
Then when Anne comes back to visit she will come then the hair all rebond,never wear specs then very pretty..Then walk in with her luggage and she'll say "SHAHRIL?!SHAHRIL?!"
Then Shahril will rub his nose with his thumb in a gangster way and then with the other hand,
wipe his arm with the tattoo
Then me and Fafa looked at him and laughed
Then were talking about random things

Even more boring
Studied for about an hour for A.maths
And then played BLOKUS!!!
So fun!
But I never got to win
Played with the girls Chuckie,concentration,chop chillie chop and number game
So fun
Had to do something to the guys
Then didnt do anything much after

Studied more A.maths
Then played BLOKUS for a little while
Found out this MS HANG'S getting married!
During the last period,E.maths,
Skipped out because I didnt have to study anymore
So I accompanied Califfa in 3E1
And then we watched Li Yang and Ganesan do crazy stuff
Ganesan tried to pull Lily and Sheng Yang by a string and Sheng Yang got shocked and had a retarded face

NE lesson learned about H1N1
Then recess
Use-yor-hands campaign
DIdnt do much
Just wipe tables
Then got our report books back
16 in class 26 in level
Not bad for two fails
Talked with the guys

Then we were free
Sharmane hugged me and was saying emotional things which made me start crying
Class photo with not everyone inside
Then talked to Lily
Punched Daryl,ran away,bumped into Fafa,fall onto a guys back,rolled off and landed on my butt in the drain
Which hurt ALOT!!!
Cried of pain
Went to have Ice Kacang with Irsyad

Went out with Patrice,Kevin and Brian plus my bro
We waited for a long time for bowling
Went to eat at BK
And chatted abt random stuff like peeing contest,sex and other stuffs
And then we waited another hour or so for bowling
While waiting,played the number game
Went to bowling finally!
But its so ex la!
I suck at it so we decided winner-bash
And Brian was winning so we changed it to Brian-bash so no matter what,he gets bashed
Still owe him that
And the guys owe me 20 Singapore Bucks each for each gutter ball I made
Went to slack under a void deck
Played truth or dare which was stupid
Brian ran to the pathway near the road and did 5 jumping-jacks and ppl across the street were staring back at us
Then we went truth all the way
Kevin and Brian did a pole dance on a pipe
Those guys got 'moves'
Took turns carrying Brian
Went to eat

Went to a farewell party after
Where I had nothing to do
So I slept on the bed for4hours
Still tired though
More days of fun to come
Can't wait
But the day I leave is coming closer and closer!!
OMG!!I cant bear to leave


Saturday, May 23, 2009 -

Been blog hopping...
Seen some interesting posts.
I know its like in the middle of the night
Time right now?
Bored definitely
So many people asking me not to leave
In fact begging
As if I could do anything about it
The reason that I'm leaving:my dad got transferred and the whole family's coming along
So stop asking me why the hell I'm leaving
And don't beg me not to leave anymore
The more you guys beg,it only hurts me more to have to leave
And definitely its hard to say goodbye
Espescially to those ppl you've built a special bond with
Some things in life are supposed to happen
For the better or for the worse
I'm angry at myself for not being able to do anything
And just sitting here watching it all happen
If its fate,I'll come back
Great!Now leave it all to fate and destiny
Better get a shut eye
Too damn tired and distracted to think right now
